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  • Writer's pictureJ.V. Sadler

Earth, are you there?

I’m not quite sure how much time has passed. Maybe a day. I’m starving and I slept for just a few minutes at a time.

I sent out a few more S.O.S. signals hoping someone. . . anyone will get them.

Earth has stronger signals with its huge satellites. So I tried contacting them. Static came back through the receiver. Then, I heard faint voices having conversations. And that is better than silence.

I put out my signal but I don’t think it came through. Damn this machine. I knew my transmitter wouldn’t work. It’s homemade. Menia Craft is so old that I had to upgrade some of the systems myself. Dad taught me most of what I know.

I stole pieces of scrap metal from the manufacturing factories. During my breaks, I’d roam through the junkyard and Rust (who has a fitting name considering his occupation) would help lift the heavy metals with his crane.

If someone really is reading this, please don’t fire Rust. He’s the best.

Wait, I think I’m getting something. It’s static but I think I hear something more.

Yes! It’s Earth. Their voices are coming through clearer now.

Let me put out my signal!

My ship is drifting further and further away at a rate too fast for my little transmitter. I don’t think they’re getting the signal.

A message!

It’s not in Pangean or Martian. It . . . it sounds like Mandarin. It seems that they can reach me but I can’t reach them. So close but so far.

A few places on Pangean still speak the ancient languages. My mom actually knows English!

Dad tried to teach me a few Spanish words but those have since slipped through the cracks of my mind.

My brother Ether knows several of the ancient languages. Despite being only thirteen, he’s interested in linguistics, anthropology, and sociology. He wants to visit Earth some day. But it’s so damn expensive to hitch a ride on the convoy ship. One day, I’m going to build my own craft that can withstand entering Earth’s atmosphere and we’re going to go ourselves.

Mom and Dad were both born on New Pangea. Both born and raised in the city of Krwoh, they met while on a Speeder train. Mom was headed to a poetry slam and Dad was going grocery shopping. By the end of their conversation, they decided to walk the Krwoh gardens together.

Mom still talks about how beautiful the Krwoh gardens are. They’re located right in the middle of the city. It’s hard to believe Earth was once risked losing some of its flora and fauna. And ice caps too! The Great Warmth—or Global Warming as it was called back then—destroyed entire ecosystems. 

We don’t have that problem anymore, thank Mother Universe.

I’m getting another message. Yes, that’s Mandarin. Damn.

My map is useless. My transmitter is crap. I’m tired. Hungry. And I’m accelerating faster away from where I was.

I am officially in the middle of nowhere.




S.O.S. Please send help.

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